Hellooooo I'm back. :DD
I really want to post something but I have no time at all yesterday and the two days previous. I had lotta things to do. Hehe
Well, Today I've just done my History's remedial and my dad has just arrived from Pekanbaru.
Tomorrow, I spent whole day with my best friends. It was Dina's and Lala's Birthday so I, Dwi, Aless, Aci, Dias, Feriz, Ale, and Derrie made surprise for them.
Aaaah, I want to post the photos but I forgot to bring my SLR yesterday so we used Emir's camera to take some picts and I haven't borrow his memory card so badly.
Today I'm having badmood but by my dad's arrival it becomes better and now I don't feel bad anymore. Yeah, maybe I'm just tired and need some days off that exactly I can not own because tomorrow there will be a party and I want to buy some shoes before it...
But I just don't know whether my dad will gimme some money or not. Hehe
and after a very long time I'd been dreaming, I watched Twilight yesterday. yuhuuuu
Woaaah, was it a lil bit late? or really fashionably late? hahaha
I likeee Jasper! and of course, Edward. Geeeezz, if he really existed, he would be mine ever after. :P
Hmm, although I was a little bit upset because less or more the film is still not exactly the same with the story that I've read, It didn't matter because the actors and the actress are superb and gorgeous.
How's your life, by the way?
I love Jasper too! and I love Emmet! oh god they're just perfect.
I looove Jasper for sure :DD
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