
"It started with a chair"

"Oh, come on F, you're oh so late and lame LOL", I kept telling myself that sentence as watching Juno on DVD yesterday. I borrowed the DVD from Fahmirandah, one of my classmates and one of people who inspire me the most.

A comedy about growing up... and the bumps along the way.

I guess you all have watched it. Or maybe some of you guys have watched it twice or maybe three times or more. Juno pictures something which is complicated in a very simple way, About 16 year-old Juno MacGuff who's pregnant because of her best friend, Paulie Bleeker. Unplanned pregnancy. Juno once decides to do abortion but then she carries on and at last, the baby is given to someone who really needs.
Yeah, it's way better than killing the baby. Abortion can harm the mother, too.

All I could feel since it'd started was its awkwardness. The quotes, the songs, they were all just so awkward that made the film felt so real.
Juno tells all bad things in a joke, but however it still shows that pre-marriage sexual intercourse can drown you into some troubles which definitely will trouble you and affect everything in your teenage life.

This film is a bit boring, I only give 5.5/10 even this one won Oscar.

but Ellen Page acts well,
and Michael Cera is the cutest dork I've ever known.


Prathito said...

5.5? Seriously? I'm giving it an 8.5!

Ferinda P Lestari said...

@paw25694 boring, and rrreally awkward

NABILA said...

oh my god rin
gw kasih 9!!!

Ferinda P Lestari said...

@NABILA : not so into it somehow, nab hehe

chi said...


haha,iya sih emg rada aneh rin,tp ga tau kenapa gw suka aja ya?hehe..tp bagusan film michael cera yg nick & norah's infinite playlist deh riin (loh loh kok jd nyambung film laen ya?hehe)

Ferinda P Lestari said...

@chi : iya kayak aneh gitu kan ya chi, hmm MICHAEL CERA nya emang cute banget. Oh ya? nanti gue coba nonton yg itu deh yaaa hehe :)

Anonymous said...

7.4/10 hemm walaupun boring tp gue suka ilustrasinya yg pas awal film, efeknya lucu.

Ferinda P Lestari said...

@tyapratiwi : iya dong, ilustrasinya lucu, tapi tetap aneh dan membosankan menurut gue hehe

April said...

wait really? this movie is one of my favorites!! I give it a 10!

A bit of Romcom

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