But I haven't sent it.
So let's talk about zodiac. What's yours?
Mine is this one.

So, based from the most sophisticated encyclopedia named Wikipedia,
I found out about its myth.
Aquarius is sometimes identified with Ganymede, a beautiful youth in Greek mythology with whom Zeus fell in love and, in the disguise of an eagle (represented by the constellation Aquila) carried off to Olympus to be cup-bearer to the gods. The constellation of Crater is sometimes identified as his cup.
Aquarius has also been identified as the pourer of the waters that flooded the earth in the ancient Greek version of the Great Flood myth. As such, the constellation Eridanus the river is sometimes identified as a river being poured by Aquarius.
Aquarius may also, together with the constellation Pegasus, be part of the origin of the myth of the Mares of Diomedes, which forms one of The Twelve Labours of Heracles. Its association with pouring out rivers, and the nearby constellation of Capricornus, may be the source of the myth of the Augean stable, which forms another of the labours.
Honestly, I'm a big fan of myth, but this one is still confusing and I want to find out moreeee.
i'm an AQUARIUS too hahaha
glad to know that HAHAHAHA
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