Thurs, 07.10.09
7.00 : heading to school, for SCHOOLYMPIC CARNIVAL 2009!
7.30 : arriving, waited until it got more crowded but there ain't no one
7.45 : still in car, viewing FB notifs, disappointed of my elementary school reunion cancellation
8.00 : going into the school and found there was my ex sitting on the desk in front of ruang osis, I waved but he saw me still, gee.. Ruz when will you be my just friend?
8.30 : waiting inside the Ruang Osis with Fahry, Feruz, and Ute
in next to no time Idham showed up, and more more people showed up
9.45 : heading to Tebet with Ardellemaria, looking for food and clothes stand
9.50 : taking a walk around Tebet, and met some good people!
10.30 : returning back to 8, received text messages that the elementary reunion cancellation was cancelled. WOOHOO
11.30 : calling some Alumnis, and had noodles for lunch
12. 30 : he called me, asked me about today
13.00 : with Distie, Adam, Alessandra, Nasya, and Marshiel went to Kuningan to put the proposal
14.00 : looking for Pespex Office at Cawang, got lost. -_________-
14.45 : arriving at Pespex Office. FINALLY! :D
15.00 : Adam drove Distie home and took me to Faisal Sena's house for the reunion.
15.45 : waiting for the others
17.30 : had dinner together
18.30 : going to Bu Ina's home (my elementary teacher)
19.00 : arriving at Bu Ina's crib
until 21.30 : going home after laughing and joking together.
21.55 : got home.
tired, but....... I love you Thursday.
he called me, asked me about today. siapa rin? F?
F siapa? HAHAHAHAHA kan lo udh gue ceritain
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