
Craps Happen When...

Craps happen when...

8. You feel that the time flies so fast and you think you haven't done anything. Yet.
7. Meeting or even seeing your ex and his brand new girlfriend at your favourite shopping mall.
6. Having no time to just lay down in bed whole day.
5. Got no message at all in your blackberreeey.
4. Got no Ping at all in your blackberreeeey.
3. Being stalked by someone.
2. Being anxious because of hectic days.
1. Your braces hurt so bad.

Thank God for saving me from the things above,
except number one. Geez, this braces injure me.
Just tell me, what your version of craps-happen-when is. Post it!

xxx, FPL.


Nunu Fithria said...

More craps happen when you're not on your best look when #7 happens

Istina said...

when you know what you really want but you cant reach it for some reasons..... and when you miss someone and the same rite person doesn't, so damn crap!

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