

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to People
1. "Tell me this is not a dream."
2. "Don't ever ask me to pray for you and your girlfriend, that's naive."
3. "I have Jazz Class three times a week."
4. "Stop whining about your so called perfect life."
5. "Don't sweat small stuffs."
6. "You smell nice."
7. "I quit staying up late!"
8. "I park my car there."
9. "Alessa, itu cadaver gue wey!"
10. "Don't worry about this surgery. We're gonna make it awesome."

Nine things about myself
1. I believe in UFOs and xenology.
2. The true me is a geek. Exactly a geek.
3. Someday I want to be a famous freelance journalist.
4. I'm feeling guilty when I don't do my homework. Undeniable.
5. Idealist thoughts, yeah.
6. I'm not obsessed with my weight.
7. Jazz-Ballet cheers my day up.
8. There's something in low profile guy which always melts me down. I can't stand kindness.
9. I hate soda. Whatever.

Eight ways to win my heart
1. Kindness, gosh.
2. Smelling nice, smelling nice.
3. Realistic thoughts, future-oriented.
4. I'd love to hear you singing or playing guitar.
5. White chocolate would be perfect.
6. No roses, please. I tend to love balloons more
7. Click.
8. Love me just the way I am.

Seven things that cross my mind a lot:
1. Mathematics , Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Indonesian, English.
2. The major I'll take in 2010, woots.
3. Hm, you. Yeah, you.
4. Have a Little Faith - Mitch Albom!!!
5. La Magnifique Danse

Six things I do before I fall asleep
1. Isya Prayer
2. Being online til I fall asleep.
3. Preparing books for the next day.
4. Imagining something.
5. Reading good novels or studying.
6. Praying for a cute dream.

Five places I want to visit
1. Paris
2. London
3. Tokyo
4. The Angel's Falls
5. Barcelona

Four things I'm wearing right now
1. Abdi love Jabar tee
2. Navy shorts
3. My lovely black wayfarer glasses.
4. Undies, for sure!!!

Three bands that I listen too often (Currently)
1. Arctic Monkeys
2. The Kooks
3. Andra and The Backbone

Two things I want to do before I die
1. Bringing a real benefit for this whole world.
2. Living high with cool husband and lovely smart children.

One confession
1. I just wanna live, don't really care about the things that they say.

taken from Istina's Alaska? This way!


Unknown said...

I'm taking and will re-post this asap. Do you mind?

Ferinda P Lestari said...

gapapa kok, silakaan pakoo :)

A bit of Romcom

Most of guys I've ever dated now are married. To wonderful women? Sure, I guess. No, I'm not saying this in a mellow tune, or certai...