

When happiness only comes with reasons, with several terms and condition,
can it be called as a real happiness? Or is it that infamous attachment?

Yes, we attach ourselves to stuffs, to people.
What's the fundamental of it? Our own fears? Our disbelief to ourselves?
Or can it be caused of both?

Attachment wouldn't be so bad if things were rolling well.

But, how if it lately turns into kind of addiction?
If it turns into a disability to hold your own pride, an incompetence to face the truth, then you cheat on yourself, or worse you finally feel that it's okay to hurt yourself?

Like, for real, we all have to learn it hard way :
we love because we have so much,
not because we need anything in return.


Some Thoughts on Loving

Particularly, we always can tell when we are in love. We feel chemical rush, shallow breath, anxiety, which blend into one deep feeling that fulfills the heart. We start to giggle much towards unfunny things, realize that blue sky is beautiful, and wonder why we are so happy.

With these people, yes, I'm not talking about someone  you're committed to get married with, or you're in a relationship with,
I'm talking about people you love, in general,
you feel life a little bit brighter.

You surely can not define how that is happening to you, though there are several scientific facts about hormones and stuffs that affect.

We somehow just simply love. Feeling days are right when we're with them, feeling a calming sense when we can help them go through their harsh days, listen to their stories, soothe their restlessness, carry their tears, or be a shoulder to cry on.
We do it without wanting anything in return.
We just simply do. Fully, unselfishly.

When we love, sure we get to be emotional beings. We might be disappointed, might be torn, and perhaps left. But can things be worse than that? Love itself is a power. You can choose letting those negativity eat you out or let the what you have inside win.
Finally, we can learn how to overcome our fears.

Being with those whom you love brings you power to face tomorrow.

So my wish, may the love remain blooming,
whether it is a loud bright thing like fire-crackers,
or a complete silence kept in the deepest part of your heart.

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