
2012 : A Reflection

Hi. I'm doomed for writing since I hardly ever do that again. Everything consumes me a lot lately, but I guess writing will still always be my sanctuary, so I come back.

What is up? I'm glad to tell you that I love my new job as an amateur web-developer and still, an aspiring photographer. I'm doing fine with the hellish term 5. Some expectations turn out SO great, thank You, God.. I know You always listen.

Well, we're just human. We make mistakes, we laugh a lot, we weep over good romantic movies, we smile because of anyone else, we read good books though sometimes we don't get the whole point, we write some poems we never show it to others, we end certain good friendships with certain people because they finally can not make it as good friends, or probably they want more than just friends..and we aren't likely to have it with them, we sing a song loudly in our way back home after an one fine day, we love like we've never been hurt, we put a great hope every morning, we wish upon a star, we choose our own dreams, we take hints of every good omen, we sip a cup of delicate coffee between works, we give up caffeine but still buying frappe with a non-fat milk but topped with whipped cream, we color our dreams black and white, we simply choose to live in the moment..being present, we accept people just the way they are, because? we are all just human.

2012 never literally passing by, the moments are all precious that I wish I could capture all of the scenes in between. It's not just another year, great people coming along, short encounter, huge dreams, good insights, random luck.. but all are marvelous. Thank You, God.


Live Big

Life is big. So live it big.
You can choose to spend it by curling on your bed, crying... or taking your book and study.
Be smart. People should love you as a whole.
Sometimes life gets fucked up, but that doesn't mean you have to act as an asshole.
Let universe work and get everything right. Keep the love around, you always need it. :)



Sending warmest hugs to all people who read this post, may love pour to you, may your wounds be healed, may you forgive, may you be happy.
For every difficulty, lies opportunity.
May your presence bring happiness to people surround you.
May your wound get you stronger and nicer, far from bitter.
May you smile when you turn back into your past.
May every heart break be braced.
May inner peace soak your heart.
May you be strong.
May you choose beautiful joy towards everything.
May good things happen to you everyday.
May your mind and your heart be in sync.
May you enjoy every bite of your breakfast.
May you see the sun and say thank you.
May your heart be bigger, to live bigger, too

Always always always count your blessings.



My First Writing on My Moleskine

You got no chance to be extremely weary and dull..
since people give no fuck, it's always better to be good.
Then, share. Then? Lessen your judgment.


Stay as happy as you can be
since second you spend resentful and disappointed will never get back.
Do things that will amuse the future version of you.
Sleep earlier, forgive people, and be sincere.
Life hugs you with tons of wonderful things as you start to share your happiness..

Grow up.

Grow up makes you contented.
Ace the exam, get good score, smile a lot. Simply because life.. never awaits.
Be good, be awesome.

written on Oct 14, 2012


Mighty Love

taken from here
Some people will get captivated by your beauty. Your dazzling outfit, your reddish lips, slender body. Some will love you when you're being okay, when you're doing good and nice. Sometimes, they will leave when you are not.
Some people take the best piece of you and ignore the rest they don't like. That's okay, most of people do the same.
Some people love you for what you do. When you stop, they no longer fall for you.

But some will take you, be grateful of your being, as a whole.
Not less or more.

Whether you're wearing your big framed glasses and your hair is not groomed well. Whether you're wearing pajamas and looking so tired of sleepless nights.

This some people are those whom all of us need. Nothing beats the happiness of being that some people to people we really care for.

Some people who will say sincerely, "to me.. you're perfect."



Every blessings ignored become curse. It was quite a line I got from the my favorite writer, Paulo Coelho. It is just true, blessings are truly everywhere but we sometimes are too busy doing things, too busy complaining, too busy to look around and realize that...we're verily blessed.
taken from here
Life gets busy yet it ain't no excuse to make us turn every bless into curse.
Pay attention. Be grateful. Enjoy the ride.


What's There in Rushing?

I know, there are many times we choose not to embrace, or probably unconsciously were skipped. You skip this, skip that. Don't enjoy every spoon of your meal, don't carefully listen to your buddies when they're telling you things. You choose to get busy and drown in your own thoughts. Wandering nowhere, or everywhere.
It's obviously not a sin, right? But sometimes you will come to a second when you try to recall what have happened, in detail, the whole week.
Can you?
We live in a fast, extremely fast, motion where information flows are uncontrollable —if you're not willing to control it and when distractions are everywhere. It happens to all of us.
But do you want to feel that, the weird feeling when you hardly recall what you've been through?
Guess the answer would be no.
Why don't slow down? It's not always about who's the fastest, who's the quickest. It's about living righteously with full of consciousness. When we rush, we get nothing but the rushing itself.
So, take your time in doing things. Delay a little bit. Sit and think. Read cautiously. Stay in love with the business and of course the people.

Later the recalling thing, I believe, will be far easier.



Those Who Are Brave Enough To Live The Dreams

It gets me hassled and enthusiastic at the same time to see people who are currently living their dreams. People surround me do so. They tend to dream a lot and make them come true. They go for what they want, live with the spirit vigorously, and all I know, those people rarely regret a thing about what they do, even worse for what they did.

One of my very best friends is gonna go to Japan this September to get his exchange program done. I know from the very first start that he really wanted it. His passion for studying, meeting people and having a smart converse, plus volunteering is somewhat making him more alive than any other people you can meet beside his hobby of traveling, culinary, and extreme sports.
That's just the first case in point.

Another friend of mine shares the belief of living the dreams, too.  She does not take a big leap like the first case did but I know she's on her way. All you can see now she is living the way she wants it, probably recklessly, doing whatever she is likely to do, but if you look deeper, and know her more, this darling can be blessings to people surround her by bringing beauty in her very own way. She has a great great passion in arts and in life, every tiny piece of her daily activity, you will always see her beaming with a touch of art. Anywhere, anytime. Of course for the talent, you cannot say much. She's got everything you would dream for being a pure artist.
It's the second.
Talking about my boyfriend's goodness will sound like boasting, but really if you got questions about automotives, he's the man. From the most expensive to the very moderate type, any part in between, how to do what he always state as eco-driving to save your fuel, how to shift the gear in an extremely quick pace under 150kms/hour, and many more. He was going to Malaysia several months a go, with a team named Nakoela to join the Shell-Eco Marathon Asia. I ALWAYS ENVY HIM FOR TAKING THE MAJOR HE ACTUALLY REALLY LOVES.
I know now he should pay really a lot for it, but everything's worth it.
When you live your dreams, everything's worth it.

Yes, I got tons of stories that would take pages if typed here.
They above were just cases. People who are very close to me, not in my family circle, but undoubtedly inspire me, almost everyday, to live my dreams. I still got some more I barely can mention them. My kind-hearted best friend who always do everything sincerely, my childhood friend which is now doing great with an organizational stuffs and still write, those I know always dance for the sake of life, those who write and keep the blog running because probably sharing is their passion, my best friend who joins a lot of, yeah extremely a lot of events to seek for the zest of working, some of my lecturers I know well and their passion of knowledge. Those cool people. Who never stop to look cooler than anyone else who do not do so.

All I know, it's never too late to find out what's ours, live them, and be blessings for other people.
The rest never matters much.



It's flushing. My face, then my heart. Teary eyes, yet no real tears. This should not be ones since tears can stream when something significant and clear happened.
Let's get the conscience beaten up.
This is unclear, the pass tucking feeling.
I lost it.


It's Just A Feeling

Hai. Ga biasa ya baca posting dalam bahasa Indonesia? Tapi ga salah kan. Toh lagi pengen menyentuh dengan kata-kata yang lebih di akrab di telinga atau lebih akrab dibaca.

Lucu juga gimana kita ga pernah sadar kalau kita ga boleh... atau bahkan sebenernya ga bisa melabeli apa yang kita rasakan tentang orang lain. Ga bisa sembarangan bilang suka, ga bisa sembarangan bilang benci. Perasaan yang segitu kompleksnya, perasaan yang segitu banyak kita rasakan, kita coba terjemahkan, tapi seringnya berujung pada kegagalan.
Kita terperangkap dengan dogma-dogma yang sibuk bilang kalau kepikiran dan senang terus itu cinta dan yang sejenisnya. Kita sibuk mencari tau artinya, mendefinisikannya ke jenis tertentu yang terlalu umum, yang sebenarnya...ga menggambarkan dengan baik, ga melukiskan dengan sempurna.
Kita mau segalanya jelas. Manusiawi sih. Tapi apa ya dengan jadi jelas, dengan jadi bernama, itu memperindah yang ada? Memangnya berlian bisa jadi batu karena kita sebut batu dan sebaliknya?

It's just a feeling, kalo katanya Maroon 5.

Karena kadang, yang kita rasa, yang kita terima, yang setiap malam kita pikirkan, kita coba jelaskan, kita coba terjemahkan.. malah akan jadi sia-sia ketika diucapkan, ketika coba dijelaskan, diklarifikasi. Karena kadang, jumlah kata yang ada saat ini masih kurang untuk memberikan sebutan, label, dan istilah. Karena toh susah-susah memberi nama tidak sama dengan memberi arti.
Karena sebaik apapun kita mencoba, pasti ada bagian yang tetap tidak bisa digambarkan.
Mau mencoba membuat orang lain mengerti? Ga usah repot-repot, they will never get it as you feel it.
Karena kadang kita cuma perlu diam dan tetap merasakannya saja
seperti biasa.


Woke Up on a Concrete

Walking between roaring conscience. Depleted because of paradoxical nonsense. Life is choosing they said. But how if, after all, what you choose ain't no things you need?

You need a good balance to walk between two unalike ways.
Don't make people as the excuses. Yes, life can be so confusing, only if you insist on making it so.


Found This on Facebook

Every breath is blessing.

Be like the sun, shining with light.
Be like a rose, spreading its fragrance in every path.
Be like the Earth, humble and wise.
Be like the rain, pouring all your love to every soul.

Happy fasting! Be grateful, keep calm and conquer the lust. <3


"No, I'm Sid"

I know.
There are several movies that you've watched for almost million times. You tuned in the dvd player or probably just your mediocre laptop, even better the big flashy iMac.
Put in the disk or open the file. Or maybe like me, downloading the AVI player first.
Then you're ready to get stunned.
What are you looking for?
I keep a film, my most favorite, here in my personal USB flash disk. Probably you do the same too.
Watching the same movie. Keep repeating the favorite part. Keep listening to the same quote. Though, I already remember it well. So do you, yes?
Then why? Why keep replaying the same beauties? The quirks. The awkward moments.
A part of getting addicted. A part of being into the film.
Or is it because of the story? Because it is merely alike..with yours?

The scene. The quotes. The people.
Anyway, what's yours? The favorable of mine is the Ikea part and Sid-Nancy conversation.


taken from weheartit.com
I look high and low. I stop.
It's my window pane. Staring too long. Bite my own lips. Wishing they were yours.
Anyway, this is not funny. And this is not entertaining.
Because longing for you means I'm losing you.
No one practically wins.

We, people, tend to get hurt by our own feelings. And sometimes, it hurts very much.

I wish I were better than this. At least to make things fine.


Is it a bliss to feel a solitude between busy days?
Or is it a curse? Because there's something missing.
And what is missing left a hole.

No, not a big one. Very tiny, yet very hollow. Very sickening.

Is that a bliss to feel that way?
To walk around and feel nothing and numb.
Or is that a curse because the sparks disappear, the surprises vanish
and left me clueless, too senseless, and anesthetized?

Is it scary to enjoy the solitude?
To long for its pain which sometimes hits very hard yet in a long period
until I hardly can feel it. Or feel you.
Or is it a bliss? Tell me.


I don't know what to say, but it's good to see people like you. Busy, yet own a good freaky sense of humor. In order to be a better place, I assume the world needs more people like you. A happy-go-lucky control freak.



God bless people with huge love, like you.
I twitted it several minutes a go. Did I feel too much for simple words? Some people really have it. Love. Immense one. Beautiful. Source of pain? No, love should never make you feel that way. It helps you to rise every morning. Flourishing glimpse of color when you close your eyes. Making you feel happy or happier. Love, it is. Should be like that. At least for me.

And God bless people with huge love, like you.


Holiday Plans

Sounds fun? Definitely it will be. Lately spending my time busier on college stuffs and real life rather than blogging. Been busy posting on my beauty blog, too! Have you visit SPLENDORE?<3
So, what do we have here for 3 months happy-go-lucky holiday?
Fyi, from the earlier time of this holiday, I've watched every each movie that was released in the movies. I've gone to several malls (yeah, you know) to shop (what else?) and for sure eat loveliest food (nah).
There are certain plans for this holiday!
1. DRIVING, yes. Literally.
2. Posting on my beauty blog regularly, do some good reviews, and tutorials.
3. Ace the short term period and get As hihihi
4. Going to the gym, toning muscles, and stay slim
5. Looking for several projects that might be fun, making short movies, probably?

And no traveling I guess for this holiday, since on September I will have one ;-p
What's yours? Tell please tell.



taken from here
Moments engaged. I remember drip of your sweat in a humid Saturday afternoon.
In a crowded place.
Now about longing in a scene of holding hands and laughter dropping around.
I relinquished your absence.
Was it good anyway?
If seeing you were a constant severe pain, then would keeping your charm harm me the same?
Shattering picture of yours, inside this obscured memory.
I loathe how it erodes my happiness, leave a thick flaky bitterness.
Nonetheless, I can feel a little scrub of wholesome.
Luscious. Still.

We are too happy to get lost, too smart to re-do reckless stuffs, too grown up to act like young adults.
Apart of how dense sweetness it diffuses, it works like saccharine. Too much will hurt the throat.
Sensitivity and rationality do not work.
Love is blind-shit. Love is bull-shit.
Or is it you?

Or is it me wishing too much?


Le Saviez Vous?

taken from here
Mon chéri,
Certains rêves sont connectésCertains sont durablesVraiment durable. Certains disent que les souvenirs et les rêves se fanentEh bienils le fontMais saviez-vousLes rêves et les souvenirs sont comme le soleil.Ils ne se fanent jamaisjamais allerjamais vraiment remplacé.Ils ont juste missaviez-vousMon chéri,Un jources rêves et de souvenirs, ils se lèveront Ã  nouveau.

Ils vous embrasser, et vous ramène. Pour moi. ♥


Sit Down

taken from here

Always try to find a few moment to think back. It's good, actually. Reflecting yourself, what you've done, what you wanna do, who you are now, and who you want to be. Collecting pieces of motivation from your favorite people. Simply being grateful of what you have. Sit down and do this. It may help when you feel a bit restless or need something to lean on, why don't try your own back?

Sit down, kill your anxiety and fears. Kill your broken dreams and hopes that you ever let go. Take a deep deep breath, what will you have if all you do is fast-forwarding things?
You wake up on a hazy Monday, feeling a little bit cranky then yawning all the day. You're busy waiting for Friday. For weekends. Everything happens in between is all fast-forwarding. You cannot recall.
You're busy telling TGIF, you cannot say thank to another day.
How everyday just goes like another one without any zest or excitement. HMM, that's not good.

Sit down. Rethink of what you have.
Enjoy your whole week like everyday is weekend, enjoy the whole week without try to skip some part.
Like you mean it, with a happy and grateful heart.



We cannot notice how beautiful things are when we only focus on ourselves, our purposes, dreams, and everything. Human kind was born naturally selfish. Yet, that natural trace seems to pull us in from realizing the beauty of every single stuffs. We stop treasuring. We pay attention too much for couple things which never really matter.

We'd love to judge.
To name people bad, to name people good. All of those stuffs are done based on our own thoughts, unfair assumptions. When other people seem to cross our ways we call them bad-ass. When they get what we can't get, we mention another thousand things they also don't get yet we get,
just to prove that we're as good as they are.
Anyway, that's not important actually.

Our best quality is already there, never go, never leave. We just forget to embrace it because we're sooo busy being annoyed, and again, naturally being selfish.
Ah, we need to reduce that level of selfishness. Everyone got their own way. Move and embrace.


Opportunities and Stuffs

Done wondering why earlier today. I'm kind of people who pretty believe that if we want something bad, there's no way we let go of it. Then, that means, if we let it go, we do not really want it in our life.


If you don't give it a shot, it means you do not want it enough. Don't cry for particular opportunities you thought you missed out.
Actually, you know it is just the pride that talks and boasts. You yourself don't really want it.

Found a good quote from Steve Jobs's Business Advice book last night,

"If you want to live your life in a creative way, as an artist, you have to not look back too much. You have to be willing to take whatever you’ve done and whoever you were and, throw them away."

Have a perfect weekend, will you?


Barely breathing. Chest full of burst. Sickness of love. Much love.
I know you're the one who can see me through.
Go deeper and deeper, away from the my thickest skin.
Linger and linger, never let me move even an inch.

Tell me, how can loving me be your addiction?
Is it a mutual addiction? Or is it me feeling that you've put  yourself much in trouble by...letting your soul intertwine with mine?
Baby this is rarely true, but this is intense, way too dark. With complication of suffering caused of missing.
Do you know I'm breaking a little piece of me when you're not here?

Thank God,
It's always your smile as the answer, and I know my smirk is your favorite.
Love, tell me again,
why you have to be this..thrilling?
Why can you see me even better than I see myself?
How can you let me infuse every drop of your blood?
No one else can do this better than you,
oh baby I swear.


About Writer and Writing

As a writer, you should be honest.

You try to pick up all details you can ever get then spoiling them all to your readers. Showing them evidence of your thoughts that somehow can be way provoking or worse, mind-fucking. Everyone can write, yet it takes to someone who is very strong-willed to be a writer. Not an easy job though.
You have to drown deeper, dig deeper, into your own imagination, be safe in your thoughts, proud of them, concentrate on your stories, and the most important thing, enjoy every process when tons of idea spilling out.

Writing is never about fulfilling the demand of everyone. Yes, it is about producing, but a little bit different. Every piece of work tells and builds different path.
You can choose any genre you love, you can let the either which darkest side of you who speaks without feeling offended by others, why?
Because it’s a piece of writing and anyone can write whatever they want.
Sometimes, it sucks, you know, when you run out of idea and it is inevitable. That is why again a writer or someone who literally loves to write has to always move, travel, and treasure everything deeper.
You have to feel more because without feeling anything what you write you cannot retell it perfectly or fail to give the best picture.

You should be very sensitive and sensible at the same time. You always have to improve how you think.

You can’t stay the same.
You have to read everything. You should learn from Murakami and his best pathetic love stories ever. You should know how David Sedaris could be that funny and sarcastic. You should eat the piece of working by David Wallace Foster and growing up with his notorious this-is-water thought.
You probably will love Jane Austen with her classic touch of feminist romance.
Or you will get a few nerve-wrecking moments reading Rant, Fight Club, or Pygmy by the loveliest Chuck Palahniuk.

You can choose which one you like. You can be anyone you want to be with your piece of writing. You can represent yourself as a good joker, as a storyteller, or someone who try to be quite intellectual just like me mentioning those famous writers above. Or you want to be a blogger, a pure blogger that share everything in your daily life, or someone who spill weird yet amazing fantasy like Neil Gaiman.
It's up to you.

Writers are not only writers. They are those who are brave enough to let you know who they are to the world or
at least how they want to be perceived. Congratulate them, befriend with them, or simply just be one.


It's Been A Cake Week

So, this is how it started, last week on Sunday, Roni came to my house bringing a slice of the very famous Red Velvet Cake from Convivium!
that wasn't  my first time to eat that. For several happy moments in between, he regularly brought a slice or two slices for me. How nice he is :3
I pretty believe that just like how some luck attracts sort of another luck... a slice of fancy lovely cake attracts another cake. It sounds weird but it happened! Let me now write certain review towards all of them. Well, I'm not a food-blogger or restaurant reviewer, but I guess I can learn how to be it :-p

Let's start from...the Red Velvet Cake itself!
This cake is notorious and I bet each of you have already eaten this kind of cake, either it is in slice cakes or cup cakes. I have tried several kinds of Red Velvet, mostly cupcakes from Lee's and Le Soho, but my favorite is this one from, Convivium Deli. A slice of it will be enough to fulfill your craving towards good good cake. It is baked well, very soft, with certain quality of delicacy. Its cream cheese is beyond words. Not too runny, not too sticky and thick enough to compliment the taste of the cake. NYAM!

Then, the cake moment happened again on Tuesday. Roni finally asked me to have an exquisite dinner berduaan at Convivium. Since Convivium is an Italian restaurant, all we ordered was pasta and pizza yet you should know they tasted DAMN GOOD and the price was worth every penny. I will make another review about its yummy Funghi Pizza and lovely Aglio e Olio maybe later. :-p
After having the meal, we decided to order desserts, but unfortunately the red velvet was not on the stock so we ordered Lemon Cake with Mascarpone Cheeese Cream.
Sorry for a blurry picture, the light was not sufficient to capture things beautifully yet it still looks tempting, doesn't it? 
Lemon Cake with Mascarpone Cheese Cream is truly made for people who love..lemon. It was not too sour actually, yet it could give a sense as a good dessert to your pizza or pasta. The cake was baked perfectly, the texture was much softer from the previous red velvet and my most favorite part of this cake was its MASCARPONE CHEESE CREAM. It was very very thick and fluffy in a sweet sour taste. THE TRUEST DELICACY OF CAKE!

and then..Friday. Actually, I and Roni only planned to go to Convivium for taking away slices of Rainbow Cake. Yes, we were desperately wanting to taste that very happening cake in town. 

during craving for cakes
But, just like what we also had predicted, they again ran out of stock so we decided to order our favorite pizza and ate that right away. After munching for pizza, I insisted on having the red velvet cake so I asked the waiter whether the red velvet cake would be there or no and he said the cake would be done at 7pm. It was still 6pm so WE WAITED THERE. In between of waiting, the waiter approached us and asked,  "how about rainbow cake? we still have couple of slices if you really wanted"
I could't get more excited and so was Roni.

God sent you what you wanted the most when you least expected it
HERE WE GO the rainbow cake. One big mistake that I made was I put too much expectations on this cake. Based on Convivium Red Velvet Cake and Lemon Cake with Mascarpone Cheese, I expected the Rainbow Cake would be very soft and yummy, with thick buttercream cheese everywhere. It just couldn't meet my expectation. Well, it was not as soft as Lemon Cake and the buttercream tasted WAY TOO GOOD yet it was given a little in between every color. If it was given much more, it would be perfect. The color was perfect and tempting. It did not taste like I ever thought. I ever read somewhere that Rainbow Cake should have different taste of each layer yet turned out it tasted not so different.

So, after going through cake week, I decided I love the Lemon Cake with Mascarpone Cheese Cream the most. Probably, this is because I have gone bored towards Red Velvet and Rainbow Cake failed to meet my expectations.
For you who haven't tasted them, GO TRY THEM ALL at Convivium Deli, Panglima Polim! I suggested you to call first to Convivium asking about their stocks before going there because they only baked several holes a day and don't forget to reserve a place first.

Anyway, I'm writing this while munching a slice of Red Velvet. Yes, after having the Rainbow Cake, I ordered Red Velvet to be taken away. :))
Writing a review can not be more fun, probably I'm gonna write another review of food soon.

xx FPL


Suggesting Positive Vibes

taken from weheartit.com
Hawthorne Studies tell the fact that people who are treated well and right will increase their productivity towards things they do, or in industrial case, produce. It is a genuine example that treating people good will set up stuffs to some even better condition, and surely beyond expectation.

Based on what I learnt in one of my class above, I deduct that when you spread good things to your surrounding, they will happily respond the same as you hope for or even more than that, simply because people love  to be treated well. To be seen off of their titles, money, beauty, or clothes. Love to be respected as they are.

No matter you think how cool or how awesome you are, and yes people around you tell you so, just don't forget to...love much them back. Support them when they need. Spread and build positive vibes around.
You will get more than you give. Always.



The Best Way to Break Your Heart

Still reading Murakami's Norwegian Wood. This is weird how I prolong my time to eat it up. I read every page carefully, with much feeling. Not gonna rush it and still stuck in early page.

Have you read it?
If you haven't, don't read this post.

Here comes Watanabe. Toru Watanabe. Plain guy yet a massive thinker. A loner. Enjoying his life including its tragedy, losing his only best friend, Kizuki, that caused him losing his beats of adolescent. Painfully in love with Naoko.

Naoko was Kizuki's girlfriend. Weird and very fragile. Naoko was drowning in too much pain, tangled problems and emotion. Troublesome.
yet Watanabe could never let her go. Every bit of her touched him deeply that he could not run away. That every time he missed her, any hole had been dug and become deeper at any case.

Then Watanabe met Kobayashi. Kobayashi Midori. A bizarre proportion of teenager, with witty way of thinking, a little bit dark, craving for huge love. They both grew a kind of mutual addiction.

I don't wanna spill the whole package.

I just wonder how Murakami could put them up together, in the most beautiful form of depression, of losing, of heartbreak.
How he arranged things up and built a character such that...plain but interesting. Slow moving plot. Rich of details. Very very not sensible.
Just like how lustful Watanabe was, how he enjoyed being in love with Naoko, yet dying slowly knowing that a girl he fell for, who ate his time the most even she did not bother to ask,

never loved him back.

A beautiful way to feel heartbreak without really having any is by reading this book. Seriously.

What Do You Think?

When God precisely sent you something you ever wanted so bad, sometimes we just ran off it. We denied. We said we had not deserved it.
Anyway...how could we know?



I should've studied. Quality Control Assurance System exam is coming. My knee, yes my knee was injured couple weeks a go, yet it is still...in recovery.
Maybe God ask me to slow down?
I try to smile a lot nowadays. I mean, this is the third time, another knee thing, yet it still hurts me bad as it ever did. Sound very weak, but I don't want to deny at any case.
Maybe God ask me to be grateful?
Without pain, somehow we do not recognize we're still alive, we easily take things for granted. Forgetting that health, love, and security are tremendous things God never stop to pour us with.
Whatever written behind this, I hope this is for betterment, and I am sure it is.
Get well very soon to myself, not only for the knee, but the shallow and envious thoughts that possibly come around, ruin the days, and make me forget to...simply say thanks.
At this time, I should've studied. Well, okay, I'm gonna study....
Gonna let His hand work towards me, towards you, towards us. Thank you God for the endless blessings and love from surrounding.
I know, everything's fine. Cheers! xx


God Will



Treasure It

Hello, what's up? Looking forward to knowing all of you guys are doing good.
So here there is the story, two days a go I got my right knee sprained exactly when practicing dancing in my college. Rushing after it, Roni took me to a hospital nearby and I got an X-Ray check up. Alhamdulillah, the bones and joints were okay, yet I got a few injury in my muscle around the knee. The doctor said everything would be just okay, he gave me some painkillers and muscular gel to reduce the pain. I have to take a bed rest, no walking around til it's getting better.
Yes, it was devastating but...what can I say?
Yesterday, I was kinda depressed. I got several college tasks and things should be done. I got an interview for being an instructor on Saturday. I got workshops to be handled on Saturday, too. I was worried about everything and could not stand not crying. My world was falling apart...for a while.
I let myself rise up today. I mean, maybe God has His own plans and I'm just now trying to treasure it. Take everything easy and maybe... it's true I need an intense break before facing exams, yes? :p

Treasure your health, baby. Everyone of you should. It is priceless. and stay happy, because God, the Universe, and the World are always on your side.<3 WISH ME GET WELL SOON!

*anyway, I'm a proud girlfriend, my boyfriend is on the newspaper and web because he joined Shell-Eco Marathon 2012! Wish him A LOT OF LUCK, too!<3


Getting Inspired!

bumped into this on my favorite photographer blog.
Ah, this is what all of us need. <3

Light Up The Day

Back then I had a... kind of mood breakdown. Then my best friend, S sent me this.

“A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” 

.... and you know, the lines above are so true, and you're the loveliest, San!


Sweet Disposition

I wanna be that girl you remember before you go to bed. Almost every night.
That girl whose hands you hold when crossing the street.
That girl who matters, maybe not the most, but probably a little bit more than the others.
That girl whose new hair cut is recognized by you.
That girl who is very tense and nervous, but still getting tons of your love.
That girl who is timid and get the courage from you.
That girl you see everyday.
That girl who is not the prettiest, not the loveliest, but for sure your favorite.
That girl you love, maybe not the most, maybe just a little, but for a very..very long time.<3



The more you think about what-ifs, the more things will be heavier to bear with.
What if you had not let him go?
And when you saw the person, the same old person you ever laughed with now passing you by with no words or smile you came up with another what if. Another question.
Why did you let him go if you wanted him so bad?
Or did it mean you were not wanting him enough?
Why did you let the message unreplied?
Why did you walk away with no explanations?

Finally, after those things, you hope for reasons
you two being good friend like nothing ever happened?
Gosh, that's just crazy.

Some Facts

"I love it when someone is care enough to be my friend.
and i'm sorry, i'm not arrogant, i'm just timid.

so excuse me if you remember talking to me and i didn't look you in the eye.
i hate it when i see through you and notice the things that i don't really want to know. sometimes it is better to just hide the truth that i don't wanna hear or things that i don't really wanna know about.

i don't usually say "hi" when i meet people i dont know quite well, but i'd be cool enough to spare my time for those who intended to talk or just say a simple "hi".
i don't really care who they really are, or how they judge me.. much i know i'd be glad to help when someone needed help.
as i remember, i made friends with all kinds of people.

and i care about my friends, but i also care about myself. i don't smoke (i hate cigarettes and it's not cool when someone blow their smoke on my face, so if you wanna smoke, you better not smoke near me), i don't drink, i used to, but i stopped doing that since the start of this year. sex is always good. always.

i hate hypocrits, i love cracking conspiracies, i love learning new things and keeping up with new potentials. i hate ungrateful people, i hate people who doesn't appreciate others, and i like people the way they are.
if you are nice enough and you have problems and you feel like sharing, i'd be glad to help. 

taken from Rediscovering Atlantis

Representing me much. Good day<3



I love how cosmic put jokes in my daily basis.
Like you know, some people talk way too much and good to know they are not as pathetic as THEY EVER SAID. Hehehe, good for your life now and then.
See? This is just so ridiculous.


In Between Hectic Days

taken by Roni Abdurahman

A moment when you realize  idle time with done tasks between hectic schedule is very beautiful,
a grace from God.
When you rethink about ideas and keep dreaming with happy heart in your bed.
Simply blog walking around, seeing that anyone else is also living their best.
All of us need Sunday like that.
Posting photos on Facebook, updating blogs, seeing good inspirational tips in Youtube.
With hot chocolate milk as a breakfast, and lovely people.

Breathe. God always takes care of everything.
And everything is pure bliss.... when we decide it is.


An Old Song

You're on the phone with your girlfriend, She's upset
She's going off about something that you said
She doesnt get your humour like I do

I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesnt like
And she'll never know your story like I do

But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Walkin the streets with you in your worn out jeans
I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on the park bench thinkin to myself
Hey isn't this easy?

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I havent seen it in awhile, since she brought you down
You say you find I know you better than that
Hey, Whatcha doing with a girl like that?

She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see? 
You belong with me

Standin by, waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams
I think I know where you belong. I think I know it's with me.

Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you?
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by or waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know baby
You belong with me

You belong with me

Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me

You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift

Can I go back to high school, please? ;)

A Simple Wow

I'm doing this post in between looking for suitable journals, for my following project assignment in Operations Research. Well, this is just another babbling around if you are not positive enough, don't read this.

It's very okay to laugh after funny things.
The fact that someone who ever curses you all over again might worth the curses themselves,
or someone who ever pointed you as the bad one ever did a mistake which is worse. Or more obnoxious.
And it's very okay to laugh about those things.
Or how genuinely shallow people are when they're driven by emotion. How easily they forgot what they'd ever done. How when people like these turn thing around into their version, make everybody believe with their states and bullshits, as if they're victims and everything. As if, they're good.
Guess remarking someone bad never really makes you good, sugar.
It makes you pathetic, especially when......
well, you're not even better.

Go buy a mirror. Cheers for the losers.




Two people were growing up together. Spending their time much in doing things they like, having junk food once in a while, celebrating the day they met, buying ice cream just to cheer up the sunny Sunday, getting breakfast together once a week, watching any random movies in cinema, singing along to the song on the radio, sharing not-literally-funny joke and laughing together, arguing much and being silent now and then, were that in love and happy and contented with everything. New Year's Eve with hopes and love on the phone, birthdays with surprises which not surprising, and being apart.

Love was easy back then for two people who were growing up together, because everything which was coming along could be gathered and synchronized. Because growing up together was fun. No matter how they changed never affecting much things between them. Because they got the same size, they could handle things with similar ways out, they earned and got the same thing.

This is a post inspired by tweets from my favorite author, Ika Natassa. When people who are in love deciding to be together, for a quite long time, they have to grow up together. No one should outgrow each other. Just like two puzzles that ever fitted, when one grew bigger, the another one couldn't get fit anymore. And they could not set as a pair.

Things simply change and grow. Inevitably.

When they finally could not spending their time much in doing things they like, because things they like were not the same anymore. When having junk food once in a while were not their favorite anymore. When any celebration finally felt just like another celebration. When buying ice cream was forgettable. When finally they didn't go for a breakfast. When any random movies didn't work. When singing along couldn't be done because the radio was off. When jokes were seldom thrown. When arguing because of the differences were there. Were not so in love and happy and contented anymore. When being apart was getting sickening and only one of them felt that way.

There came a conclusion,
"...you'd outgrown me for good".


Though You Have To Fight The World

Is it overrated to let love take over your life?

One desperate love. With emotional swift in every second of it. Every time you feel it, it grows bigger inside. Fulfilling you with certain burst of color and sparks. Though it gets your tears drained or your eyes drenched. Though you have to fight the world.
Why not? Sometimes, it's just worth it.

A Very Quick Update

Was a busy week.
Rapat Kerja. QI project. Another QI meeting. Lab-assistant interview *finger-crossed*.   SPWI 2012.
Still thanking God everything falls into place, still thanking God it's Sunday. HAVE A GOOD SUNDAY!<3


Date A Girl Who Reads

"Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who spends her money on books instead of clothes. She has problems with closet space because she has too many books. Date a girl who has a list of books she wants to read, who has had a library card since she was twelve.

Find a girl who reads. You’ll know that she does because she will always have an unread book in her bag. She’s the one lovingly looking over the shelves in the bookstore, the one who quietly cries out when she finds the book she wants. You see the weird chick sniffing the pages of an old book in a second hand book shop? That’s the reader. They can never resist smelling the pages, especially when they are yellow.

She’s the girl reading while waiting in that coffee shop down the street. If you take a peek at her mug, the non-dairy creamer is floating on top because she’s kind of engrossed already. Lost in a world of the author’s making. Sit down. She might give you a glare, as most girls who read do not like to be interrupted. Ask her if she likes the book.

Buy her another cup of coffee.

Let her know what you really think of Murakami. See if she got through the first chapter of Fellowship. Understand that if she says she understood James Joyce’s Ulysses she’s just saying that to sound intelligent. Ask her if she loves Alice or she would like to be Alice.

It’s easy to date a girl who reads. Give her books for her birthday, for Christmas and for anniversaries. Give her the gift of words, in poetry, in song. Give her Neruda, Pound, Sexton, Cummings. Let her know that you understand that words are love. Understand that she knows the difference between books and reality but by god, she’s going to try to make her life a little like her favorite book. It will never be your fault if she does.

She has to give it a shot somehow.

Lie to her. If she understands syntax, she will understand your need to lie. Behind words are other things: motivation, value, nuance, dialogue. It will not be the end of the world.

Fail her. Because a girl who reads knows that failure always leads up to the climax. Because girls who understand that all things will come to end. That you can always write a sequel. That you can begin again and again and still be the hero. That life is meant to have a villain or two.

Why be frightened of everything that you are not? Girls who read understand that people, like characters, develop. Except in the Twilightseries.

If you find a girl who reads, keep her close. When you find her up at 2 AM clutching a book to her chest and weeping, make her a cup of tea and hold her. You may lose her for a couple of hours but she will always come back to you. She’ll talk as if the characters in the book are real, because for a while, they always are.

You will propose on a hot air balloon. Or during a rock concert. Or very casually next time she’s sick. Over Skype.
You will smile so hard you will wonder why your heart hasn’t burst and bled out all over your chest yet. You will write the story of your lives, have kids with strange names and even stranger tastes. She will introduce your children to the Cat in the Hat and Aslan, maybe in the same day. You will walk the winters of your old age together and she will recite Keats under her breath while you shake the snow off your boots.

Date a girl who reads because you deserve it. You deserve a girl who can give you the most colorful life imaginable. If you can only give her monotony, and stale hours and half-baked proposals, then you’re better off alone. If you want the world and the worlds beyond it, date a girl who reads.

...Or better yet, date a girl who writes."
- Rosemarie Urquico

see it first on Ika Natassa's tumblr, taken from themonicabird tumblr. Very beautiful.


You might see the world differently from any other people,
thus, travel a lot.
Know more, see more. Feel more.
Know differently, see differently. Feel differently.

Keep yourself inspired by your surrounding.

Jakarta - Purwokerto - Surabaya - Jember - Denpasar - Jember - Surabaya - Jakarta

A long holiday trip, not a splurge one, yet teaching me much the real meaning of going out,
on the train from St. Jatinegara - St. Purwokerto with beloved mom

A Sneaking View of Gunung Slamet, Purwokerto


After a catching a night train from Purwokerto - Good morning, Surabaya!

A Chandelier, St. Gubeng, Surabaya
A Map of Jember
Tg. Papuma Beach, Jember

The Roll of Waves, Tg. Papuma

Looks like Puncak, yes? It is Rembangan, Jember

Who doesn't know this? Yes, a part of Garuda Wisnu Kencana, Bali
The notable, famous, true beauty of strength reflects on... Tanah Lot, Bali
Surabaya - Madura

...of traveling.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Anyway, besides traveling, photography helps me celebrating the beauty of things and life, even from the littlest ones.
all of these pictures belonged to my Instagram, feel free to follow @erinplstr and let's share the beauty of smallest stuffs.<3

A bit of Romcom

Most of guys I've ever dated now are married. To wonderful women? Sure, I guess. No, I'm not saying this in a mellow tune, or certai...