
Signal Fire

The shiniest star between my dark nights
Like the guard, seems an angel with a holy sign
Not that strong, fragile, but amusing
Warm sight, funny roles.
My utopia, my oasis.


Do Not

taken from Vogue UK

Don't push too hard to be different, it hurts.
Don't give too much effort for being original, it kills.
Don't fake, it's ashamed.
Don't copycat, it's a pity.
Don't mumble, let's speak.
Don't be a drama queen, time is money.
Don't lie, it's a boomerang.
Don't break your own promise, it breaks anyone's heart.
Don't talk, just do it.

Don't think? Zzz. Uncool.

Laziness I Should Throw Away

I got sooo many things to do lately!(yeahs, really)
but I'm too lazy to move and okay and in a good mood.............
Hell yeah,
my favourite activity when I'm in the good mood = doing nothing.

Losing the spirit of working -_____________-
God, please bring my spirit back here!

I crave for a white blazer, but study first Ferindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
I gotta go, doing all to-do list(s) and sleeping.
See you on the next post, guysssss!

Love, F.

Break Apart Her Heart - Good Charlotte

When you call she doesn't answer, when you write she doesn't answer
You go out you see him with her, she told you she was sick at home
The ring you gave her thrown away with all the letters
And When you see him with her, he doesn't even care at all

And she follows him around like you follow her around
And he doesn't even care and you're figuring out
The only way you're gonna keep somebody around
Well I'm about to let you know

There's something I don't wanna understand
The only way a woman's gonna want a man
The only way you'll ever keep her in your hands
Is breaking apart her heart
Don't tell her she is the reason that you live
Don't give her everything that you got to give
If you want to keep the girl for as long as you live
Just break it apart her heart

Can't you see the way she's crying
Well that's what keeps her trying, she knew that she could have you
And he don't give her what she wants
There's truth about this, you say you want to be noticed
Well if you want to be noticed you've gotta learn to break some hearts
Don't try to understand

There's something I don't wanna understand
The only way a woman's gonna want a man
The only way you'll ever keep her in your hands
Is breaking apart her heart
Don't tell her she is the reason that you live
Don't give her everything that you got to give
If you want to keep the girl for as long as you live
Just break it apart her heart

Can't you see what you've done?
What I've become, what I've become
Can't you see? Can't you see?

I don't understand this cruelty
I don't understand but now I see

There's something I don't wanna understand
The only way a woman is gonna want a man
The only way you'll ever keep her in your hands
Is breaking apart her heart
Don't tell her she is the reason that you live
Don't give her everything that you got to give
If you want to keep the girl for as long as you live
Just break apart her heart

I don't understand this cruelty
I don't understand it's just not me
I don't understand this cruelty
But now I see...

I just listened to it this morning while on the way school. Old lame song, but cool lyric.
Are those facts above true?
Well, only heaven knows.



"Semua yang rusak bisa diperbaiki..
tapi tidak semua yang telah diperbaiki bisa kembali ke bentuk semula.."

Percakapan #5

"Eh gile, itu kok ada anak kecilnya?" melihat ke arah serombongan massa bermotor kampanye partai tertentu di bilangan Sudirman.
"Iye, ye. Padahal ga boleh kan?"
"Ah harusnya dilaporin tuh"
"Gimana deh panitianya ya? Ini udah minggu keberapa kampanye sih? Aturan kan bisa diawasin dari awal biar ga ada anak kecil yang ikut"
"Ya... mau gimana lagi.. Peraturannya ga dipeduliin"

di negeri ini peraturan dibuat untuk dilanggar. apa iya?

Life is an Amusement Park

7 do's this week:
1. Studying Mathematics (trigonometri + limit = hard work)
2. Playing UNO stacko (for my soul sake)
3. Doing the "mading"(...)
4. Preparing for Bazaar Budaya Murid 8(Jawa Barat, mamen!)
5. Cleaning up my closet(really important!)
6. Scrapping photo(ehem)
7. Posting some cool photos from today's hunting photo

What's your to-do list for this week, folks?


What God Sent Me

God sent me this :

plus Aci, Emir, Edwin, and more more more!

First appearance,
eye-catching and no loneliness anymore.
First in touch,
smiling, warmth. You guys are that low profile.
First moment,
cheering, kidding, security... always share with me. all food, all laughter.
First joy,
raised eyebrow, funny!
and then sometimes..........
a bit boredom? maybe. Hmm, but it's just nothing.
Thanks for saving my soul from being pieces.

Love, F.

So That Thursday...

I and My Mom and Santhy went to FX!
It'd been long time since I went there last with my...(fill by yourself) :P
hehehe. It was all about food, Kiyadon for lunch! I highly really recommended Spicy Salmon Fried and D.I.G! later for the photos, guys. :)
Spending much time with these two importants people in my life were very joyous. We shared smile and laughs. It killed all my terrible headache suddenly. Then, I bought some bangles there.......... cause I was really lack of accessories that day. -____-

Before we got home, we ate Sour Sally yuhuuu.
Green Tea (Medium) + Longan + Mochi = my favourite.

That was a very fine day of mine. How about your days? Share with me, dearests.

Love, F.

What I Wore That Thursday

stripe sweater - Orange, grey shimmer shorts - Oasis, tights - unbranded, gold heels - high heels

some say, less is more.
wait for the upcoming posts! sooner, after the earth hour, lady!


Feeling Better

Yesterday I got a terrible headache.................
there were no teachers whole day and I just gotta do the chemistry remedial (with that headache) and got home then too lazy to do anything.

Sleeping really makes me better!

Woke up in 7 todaaay, (yeah I love holiday) and found out that I broke my own to-do list for this week :P
My mom said I was too tired so my body couldn't resist anymore.
Tired of what? Maybe tired thinking of.... yeah you know who. But I should give no damn.
Things are pretty nowadays, there is always more to life, right?

Cheers everyone, we'll catch up later with more posts! :)



This Week :

1. Signing up "the class" on Tuesday
2. Losing some kilos, yeahs I must do it.
3. Saving all my money for, again, long weekend, making the wishlist comes true.
4. Studying math and chemistry
5. I'm gonna have the bangs baaaack!... sooner

Hey Badtz!

This one is mine!

My always favourite one :

psychological noise? yes, he is.

hey, hello!

bye bye alien!

click the picture to read more about him and find out who he is

........................................seeing this picture makes me crazyeah.
....God, I want the very big one.


Percakapan #4

"Eh eh eh, mau liat jadwal film dong" sambil mengambil sebuah BB curve bersilicone biru donker.
"Pake itu aja ah, kalo pake punya gw bayar" jawab si empunya sambil menunjuk BB bold bersilicone hitam.
"Laaah? Kok bayar sih? Ya udah tuh pake punya gw aja" kata si pemilik BB bold.
"Iya nih, aneh ya? Emang harusnya gratis?"
"Ya iyaa lah, kan lo udah bayar BIS nya. Pake Ind*sat WAP ya lo?"
"Bntar-bntar gw liat" si pemilik BB curve pun ngecek.
"Eh itu yang bikin bayar, ganti ke Internet Browser dong" kata seorang yang lain, seorang pemakai BB curve 8320 warna merah.
si pemakai curve silicone biru donker pun mengganti setting-nya.
"Oh iya, gratis......"

Wah, gaptek. Bisa tebak siapa mereka?

When It Turns to Boredom, I Choose Another Way

Heeeey hey hey, you know what guys, this is my first post that I typed using my old lame computer! :D
Yes, every single post I made was typed in my notebook, which I have been using it for about 2 years. Since my dad bought me the notebook, I never use this computer again. Well, you know, new item is always fun, right?

So, this whole morning I spent my time to help my mom with the kitchen. Cooking is looovely~!
and now I'm discovering many interesting and memorable things from this old lame computer.

some pictures, some stories I wrote years a go, some old songs that I still love, and more more more.

All of that erase my boredom of typing! Lalalala
How about your Sunday, sweetheart? Tell me! :)



Percakapan #3

"Eh gile anak SMP pacaran tuh!" seraya menunjuk ke pinggir jalan, ke cewek dan cowok berseragam yang asyik ngobrol dengan tatapan mesra dan deket-deket.
"Hahaha emang tuh ya anak SMP"
"Jangan gitu lo, kayak ga pernah SMP aja"
"Kemaren gw abis liat anak SMP mau nyium pacarnya"
"HAAAAH? MASA IYA DI PINGGIR JALAN??????$%^%$#"........ shocked.
"Hahaha ga gitu juga sih, cuma ngomongnya deket-deket banget"
ketawa ngakak
"Ga boleh gitu lo, lo kan dulu juga SMP. Yah, namanya juga baru ngerti pacaran"
"Iya, belom bisa nahan, pacaran mulu"

Maaf ya buat readers kalo ada yang masih SMP, no offense sumpah.

All We Need is Being Accepted and Loved

Anyone agree?
Yes, as a human kind, being accepted and loved is everything.
I'm not psychoanalyzing here.
Just suddenly, inspired by my favourite film ever, I realise that's a quite enormous point of many points of happiness. :P
and that's why we are torn into pieces when we got dumped.
cause simply we feel that we are rejected.

Share your thoughts.


Percakapan #2

"Ya lo mengerti maksud gw kan? Gw merasa bego banget dulu kayak gitu"
"Emang waktu itu parah banget ya?"
"Iya, sampe rasanya gw mau gila. Hahahaha. Sekarang nyesel deh kalo inget. Kenapa juga gw harus nelpon-nelpon dia"
"Yaaaa.. tapi lo bertahan kan? terus dapet yang baru deh"
"Hahaha iya, untung sekali gue udah melewati masa-masa itu. Lo gimana sekarang?"
"Gw lagi menikmati waktu gw. Gw gak mau masa SMA kelas 11 gw abis percuma"
"Iya bener, ga bakalan keulang lagi kelas 11nya, tahun depan kan bakal serius belajar. Enak sih sebenernya, lo jadi punya banyak waktu ya sama temen-temen"
"Kalo dia kembali gimana?"
"Hmm gini deh...... dia yang dulu dan gue yang dulu cocok banget, bukan berarti gue yang sekarang dan dia yang sekarang cocok juga, kan? Gw ga mau maksain kalo emang ga cocok. Jalanin aja hidup ini sebisa mungkin membahagiakan kedua belah pihak. Lagipula, bisa aja gue yang akan datang dan dia yang akan datang cocok, kan? Hahahaha"
"Hahaha iya!"

ayo tebak siapa mereka berdua.


"Cowok itu lebih gampang bosen sama hubungan"
"Ga, juga ah! Cewek yang bosenan juga banyak"
"Tapi keseringan cowok, Rin. Coba aja liat siapa yang suka minta putus duluan"
"Yaaa, cewek juga ada pokoknya yang bosenan. Lo aja yang belom ketemu sama yang kayak gitu..........."

seseorang yang bukan kedua orang di atas nyeletuk

"Hahaha cewek yang mantannya bisa bikin 3 grup sepak bola juga ada, tauuu"

Lawan bicara hanya diam menatap jalan seraya menyetir memasuki tol menuju Jatiwaringin.
Bisa tebak siapakah mereka?

To Whom It May Concern

I loooove this quote :

"Always keep your words soft, simple, and sweet, just in case you have to
eat them. " - What I Write

Public and enemy both are really sharp, bitter, and killing words, Dearests.

Please notice that fact, in case you must eat it.
Haaaave a nice day, everyone!

an Addition

Physics 76.00 (Alhamdulillah!)


Scores and Motivation

SO here they are :

Mathematics (remedial)

Chemistry 62.50 di saat SKBM 65.00 (Ya ALLAH!!!)

Biology 83.00

Citizenship 82.00

English 88.00

Physical Edu 78.00

German 98.00

IT Studies 100.00

and for the rest will be here in next to no time.

Wondering for some careers beside being a neurosurgeon.......
I want to be a witty fashion journalist, or maybe a professional IT consultant at Google (aaamin! I really want to work at their uber-cool office), or be a businesswoman, but............
be a good mom is really important for me, still. :)

So what's your plan after finishing school? tell me!

The Letter

Hello Folk,
How do you do? Hope you are in the best condition like mine.
You know, nowadays we both have got many things to do so...
lack of time to share is.......... common. Very common.

Hmmm, if it's all about you, Folk, I could be very out of words.
Just want to remember some memories.
Back in time we first met. Back in 2006, and you didn't know me at all. I was the new face on your brain and so were you on mine. It was just awkward, cause we both spoke nothing.

Really, I forgot how we got to each other, but as the time went by, we were friends.
You were a good friend, and I was so lucky to have you, Folk. Sometimes things between us went wrong, but we always tried to make it right again. :)
and how I admired you the most... you were that important to me.

So, Folk, how are you doing now?
Just so you know, I never hate you just because you did mistakes to me. I never hate you just because you forget something important for me,
I never hate you even a little, even a bit.

But you know, I could never say these words to you in our real life. I'm not that bold, besides I'm not that straight-forwarded. I choose to keep silent and save my feeling for myself, or share it with you.... maybe someday when you remember that I'm definitely not a stranger to your life.
Cause we were once good friends, right?

Well, that's all. I'm not angry and still looking forward to my birthday present from you! :)

Truly yours,


Yeah, It's Me

You are in touch with your emotions, and sometimes you react before you think. The good news: you don't tamp down your feelings. The bad news: you sometimes say or do things that you later wish you could take back.

You do not live your life on an even keel; you do not go for long periods without experiencing some mood swings.

You appreciate art, beauty, and design; you know that they are not superficial but absolutely crucial to living the good life. You have good taste, and you're proud of it.

You don't think it's pretentious to be moved by art and beauty. You're not one of those who believe it doesn't matter what something looks like as long as it does its job.

Those with a high score on the "aesthetic" trait are often employed in literary or artistic professions, enjoy domestic activities — doing things around the house — and are enthusiastic about the arts, reading, and travel.

You like to get to the bottom of things. You're not content knowing what someone did; you want to know why they did it.

You don't simply take things as they are and move on; you're not content skimming along on the surface; you don't feel you're wasting time by digging for the meaning of things.

You behave in a confident and forceful manner, take charge of the situation, raise your hand in class, stand up for what you think is right, and lead others.

You are not interested in fading into the woodwork, leaving everything to fate, taking more time than necessary to accomplish a task, or avoiding confrontation.

Among those who have a high score on the "assertive" trait, many have jobs in which they are valued for their organizational skills as well as their talent for supervising others.

You're comfortable expressing yourself in words and actions, with no self-censorship. You believe that doesn't like what they see it's not your problem, but theirs.

You don't see the need to keep your thoughts to yourself, or to have a zone of privacy that encompasses only yourself and a small circle of friends and relatives.

A high score on the "accessible" trait suggests that you have a lot of friends, socialize often, and enjoy rap/hip-hop music.

You are thoughtful, rational, and comfortable in the world of ideas. People find you interesting to talk to. You're the living embodiment of the saying "You learn something new every day."

You do not avoid abstract conversation, experimenting with new ideas, or studying new things. It bores you to stick to the straight and narrow of what you already know.

In general, those with a high score on the "intellectual" trait are employed in such fields as teaching and research, and are enthusiastic about reading, foreign films, and classical music.

You are constantly coming up with new ideas. For you, the world as it exists is just a jumping-off place; what's going on inside your mind is often more interesting than what's going on outside.

You don't feel that the road to success is to be a realist and stick to the program; you never stop yourself from coming up with new ideas or telling the world what you're thinking about.

You are gentle with others, both physically and emotionally. You are careful not to upset people and go out of your way to find the nicest way to say something. You naturally focus on the fact that the world is full of wonderful people, places, and things.

You don't think of yourself as tough-minded or gruff, nor do you need to be seen as some kind of objective source of truth and rationality.

More often than not, people with a high score on the "tender" trait enjoy spending time with children, love romantic movies, and are enthusiastic about making the world a better place.

You feel it's important to work according to a plan and finish every task, to do things correctly and thoroughly.

You are not the kind of person who abandons a project before finishing it, or slacks off when you've lost interest.

You go with the flow when it comes to your emotions. Whether you're happy or sad, you show it, and when something upsets you, or you're feeling stressed out, those around you will know it right away.

You are not necessarily the one person in any group who can be depended on to stay calm, cool, and collected in a crisis; you aren't known for keeping your emotions under wraps.

WOW. Another surprising personality test! I got this from Swinging The Swing.
try here and tell me!

What We Did Last Saturday

Ferinda - Ardelia in dresses and tights, lovely earth tone

Ardelia - Ferinda - Hanny - Rara - Dea - Kania


again and again and again and again

yeah me...... and that sequin dress, leather jacket, and black stockings.

They were taken at the Photo Shoot for Yearbook Commitee, T.B. Simatupang.
Gimme your comments!


More to Life

Yeaaay, Good Morning, Folks!

It's really nice to wake up in the morning and....... see the sunshine.
Life has its own twist, right? Just be grateful and remember....
God is always beside and He knows the best for us! :)

Respect ourselves and see this world from many angles. Cause black isn't always as black as we think and white isn't always as white as we see.
Love others, but don't forget to heart yourself.
How can other people love us when we don't love ourselves?

Have a nice daaaay, Folks!
Enjjjjjjjjoy every parts from life!
cause we can't turn back the time.........


Sebuah Puisi Sebelum Ulangan Bahasa Indonesia

Di sini, aku tersenyum
Atau malah manis?
Hey, jangan tepuk!
Katakan sesuatu, lalu..
Ya, aku akan menunggu

Kemarin berlari lincah di bawah siraman mentari
Hari ini? Kamu menari
Jangan salah, Sayang. Jangan jauh
Aku di sini

FPL, 17 Maret 2009

I'm Sorry.........

I can't stop my fingers typing :P

So far........ my exams' score are not so bad, and well, yeah... I got 85 for my Biology!
Thanks God!
Nowadays, I'm feeling much more better than ever. How are your days lately?
Share with me here!

And I already got plans for this weekend, going to the cinema for watching any films.
Geez, I miss the cinema's chair a lot. No time to go there.............


Post Ini Harus Ditulis

Ya ya ya, harus berhenti blogging sementara waktu untuk konsen mid-semester minggu kedua. Nilai-nilai harus diselamatkan!

Please pray for my exams!
Hehehe, see you soon, folks! :)


Entah kenapa pengen punya iniiiiiiiii!

Papaaaa, beliin dooong :) hehehehe


PM Shuffling

This is a new fun.
Give it a try once, folks!

Rules :

1. Sign in your WLM or another instant messenger
2. Turn on your iPod/mp3 player/Windows Media Player/iTunes and others.
3. Use the shuffle mode.
4. Listen to the song, and use a sentence from its lyric as your personal message!
5. Change your personal message whenever the mp3 player/iPod/other plays a different song.

Tell me how you play it and share your songs!
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

The River - Good Charlotte

1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 25 friends... -kata yang ngetag gue cuma 5 ya lo 5 juga deh !-
5. Everyone tagged has to do the same thing.
6. Have Fun

Di Dadaku Ada Kamu - Ratu (HAHAHAHAHAHA)

Stranger by The Day - Shades Apart (Iya ya? Edgier by The Day harusnya :P)

Make Damn Sure - Taking Back Sunday (Beneeeeeeer!)

Hold My Hand - New Found Glory (Lagi-lagi beneeeeeeeeeer!)

Bunga - Bondan Prakoso (sungguh kuingin kau jadi milikku? HAHAHAHAHA YA GA LAH)

All That I've Got - The Used (yeah yeah yeahsss)

Something Else - Good Charlotte (Hah?)


The End - My Chemical Romance (the end of my previous relationship ye? ngeledek nih mp3)

WHAT IS 2 + 2?
Lying is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off - Panic! at The Disco
(apaaaa deh?)

You're Not Alone - Saosin :')

Come Clean - Hillary Duff (cause different doesn't feel so different.............)

I Predict a Riot - Kaiser Chiefs (sumpah ngeledek nih mp3 gueee HAHAHA iya gue mau job yang cool dan seruuuu dan ga monoton, aaamin!)

Wake Up Call - Maroon 5 (who the hell are you to say "we"? hahahahaha)

Miss You Love - Silverchair (sedih bener yeee)

Officially Missing You - Tamia (WOW)

It's Monday Again - North (the best day of the week, always!)

I Wanna Grow Old With You - Adam Sandler (Why scaryyyy? aduuuh)

Gimme More - Britney Spears (wakakakaka)

Blowers Daughter - Damien Rice (life goes easy on me, most..... of the time. aaamin)

Hard to Say - The Used (it's hard to say I miss you guys....)

The River - Good Charlotte ( yeeeeh apalagi nih)

tag : Istina, Nunu, Iriph, Odong, siapapun yang baca post ini

peer dari Ochi


About a Brother and Wednesday

Today I got English Literature and Physical Education exams.
I studied last night and because the test will be held on 12.30 pm so now I got nothing to do. I've just finished reading the respiration and the excretion for the exam-day-three.

Okay, let spend some spare time now for reminiscing a good person...

I got a brother.
Not a serious brother of course (I'm an only child), a brother whom I met when I was 14 years old. He was not so special actually, but I heart him so much at that time. He spent much time with me via texting, cause for sure he couldn't be with me everytime. He was about 15 going to 16 years old. He had so much fun, so much talent. He was the one who got the best humour sense in this world....................

Often he made me cry, but I didn't feel that I supposed to hate him. Cause he was just sooo lovely and loveable. He helped me doing many things, passing hard days when I was broken-hearted, sticked around, hung out together a lot, and he had my whole heart.

I could talk anything, I could share any thoughts, I could get some advice, I could get some sunshine, I could get some spirit to study cause I didn't want him to do better than me :P
He was the best brother ever, although he called me penguin -___-

As time goes by, people change. He became someone that I didn't know. I knew I couldn't stop someone from changing, so I let him go for his own happiness.
For his own life, or maybe for a brand new sister.

Good bye, my i-will-always-be-with-you-til-the-end-of-world brother.
Hope you enjoy your daaaays! :)


About Mood Swing and Today

Today is....
Hmmm, I did well at my exam-day-one. They are citizenship and IT.
So, I hope for the rest will be good too :)

I got a terrible mood swing, from smile to cry, from cheer to yell, from hate to love than back hate again, from missing to deleting but back missing again lately, from no spirit to full spirit, and from adore to loathe to adore to loathe back to adore at last...........

Geez, it seems that I will have my period sooner.

How about your day, folks?
Tell me, I wanna hear from you.

Wish me luck for the examination as always, and don't forget to stop hibernating your laptop/computer. Let us treat our mother earth well! :)


"my good luck charm is a sincere smile in the middle of hot sunny day"


This is OH-SO-TRUE

While I was blog walking, I got the link from Pleasant Bliss.

Well, It's a quiz and the result :

Your view on yourself:

You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with? (wahahaha)

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

WOW. It's definitely right! Just try here, folks.

Bahasa Bunga

Jadi, dulu gue adalah seorang penulis diary. Dan karena hal itulah gue memutuskan untuk punya blog. Hmmm, agak aneh ga sih punya diary? Ga kan? Tapi dulu, pernah ada yang menertawakan gue krn gue masih nulis diary. Iiih, padahal kan ga ada salahnya. :P
Ya, sekarang karena sadar nulis itu selalu bikin pegel, beralihlah gue ke blog tercintaaa.

Tadi, barusan, sekitar 15 menitan yang lalu gue sibuk ngubek-ngubek lemari sebelah meja belajar buat nyari pensil 2B demi kesuksesan esok hari. Tapi apa yang gue temukan? Tadaaaaaaaa!

Sebuah diary warna biru muda dengan gambar white ( cewek dengan mata besar berkilau yang dulu lagi ngetren banget waktu SD) lengkap dengan isinya yang bikin gue.............. HAHAHAHAHA

Dulu saya penggemar sejati komik Imadoki! semoga aja deh di antara followers blog gue ada yang suka juga. Ya, komik itu ceritanya tentang seorang gadis dari desa yang dapat beasiswa di kota, namanya Tanpopo, dia dijahatin banyaaak banget orang di sekolahnya tapi tetap ceria dan baik hati. Tokoh cowoknya namanya Kouki. Aduh, dia jutek banget dan kaya raya tapi........ dia luluh sama Tanpopo dan hobi mereka berdua adalah merawat bungaaaaa... so sweet.

Nah, di diary gue itu ada catatan mengenai bahasa bunga yang dulu sering ditulis gitu deh di komik Imadoki!
Berikut ini salinannya.......

1. Petunia
Hatiku menjadi lembut saat bersamamu

2. Yellow Geranium
Pertemuan yang tak terduga

3. Sunflower
Aku akan menantikan kehadiranmu

4. Amaranth
Cinta abadi yang tidak pernah pupus

5. Lilac

6. Aster
Memikirkan seseorang yang berada jauh

7. Iris
Kabar baik!

8. Dandelion
Berpisah sampai saat bertemu lagi

Begitulah kurang lebih. Ayo, pakai bunga untuk ungkapkan perasaan hihi

Aaah, jadi senyum-senyum sendiri deh bacanya, dan ingin beli selusin Dandelion buat seseorang di luar sana..........................

Cyclops and Byebye Fitzgerald

Okay, my dad bought me him last week. So, he's still a week year old.
He came with a pearl blue skin and 2MB memory that made me terrified for the first time, scared of losing my appetite to use my MP3 player.
He keeps me contacting the world. But not with *biiip
yes, the *biiip is out of coverage nowadays, where are you, friend?

is yeahs cool. Even though, now he is cased by a pink one. :P
One thing I should be sad for is the fact he doesn't save anything about my... my previous birthday messages from everyone, my memories, and more.

Well, they are all flown as my Fitzgerald were sold in ITC Kuningan.

I hope Cyclops can handle everything about my days like Fitz did! :)

For Fitz-My White 7610, My Best friend.......
Thanks for accompanying me through the days for nearly 4 years.
Through the happiest moment ever, and through the lowest point of mu life.
I do love you. Even though, now you're gone. I hope you find a good owner that won't recharge your battery too much and never let you fall (not like me, though). I will miss you a lot.......


Chill For A Wishlist

I've just finished learning 50 questions----- for tomorrow's exam. Quite tired and feeling my brain needs some relax so I decided to write a post about.............

My Style Needs.

Okay, to be honest I always like to see someone's in good outfit. I am not the quirky one, but I adore edgy stuffs as well. Big shirts, acid wash jeans, leather jacket, and more.
I'm not a girlie, though. I enjoy wearing things which are comfortable yet good-looked.

Well, well, well
this is my fashion wishlist for ........... i don't know for what time cause I got so many things to do than just thinking of them. huuuu :(

1. Jumpsuit
Yeyeye, a jumpsuit for a nice day

2. A pair of ankle heels
3. Another comfortable shirt from (X)sml
4. Another leather jacket, ordering

I must save my pocket money for all that.
Tell me your wish list for March and wish me much luck for the examination plus saving my moneeeeey!

Enjoy your weekday, folks.

Paper Dreams

Changing the name! (again) hahahaaha

I got the inspiration from The Kooks' song, and tadaaaaaaaa!

Paper Dreams

gimme your comments, folks!



Sebuah Post Menyambut Mid Semester

Haloo semua!
Menulis postingan dalam bahasa Indonesia kadang sangatlah menyenangkan ketika di dalam otak terdapat ribuan kata yang harus tersalurkan......... tapi ga tau kemana.
Yap, Selasa besok sekolah gue mengadakan Mid Semester. rawr
Kayaknya baru aja beberapa minggu yang lalu sibuk formatif ............. huhuhu

Lalu apa yang gue mau tulis di sini?
Hmmm, pengen membicarakan sedikit tentang masa depan.

ada seorang teman gue berkata dlm chat kami di siang ini :


Jeger! Gue langsung stiff. Ya, mungkin beberapa saat gue sempat lupa akan mimpi-mimpi gue. Menerbangkan semua angan, melewatkan kesempatan.
Keinginan-keinginan dan segala cita-cita gue yang terlupakan cuma karena satu, dua, atau tiga batu sandungan.
Jadi inget....... dulu waktu mau UAN. Semangat berkobar, les ini itu, masih aja bisa senyum-senyum. WOW.

Masa depan itu......... cuma kita sendiri yang bisa desain. Apa pun kata orang lain, tetap kita sendiri yang bikin sketsa nya. Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang akan mewujudkan.
Gue mengumpulkan segenap mimpi gue yang sempat terselip. Yang sempat hampir terbuang. Tentang ingin keliling dunia, tentang jadi seorang jurnalis, tentang punya toko buku online, tentang jadi dokter bedah syaraf atau staff IT profesional, tentang jago masak, tentang bisa banyak bahasa, dan lain lain.

Semoga belum terlambat untuk mengejar yang tertinggal dan mengambil yang terlewatkan!

Semangat! Semangat! Semangat!
If you can not walk to pass the obstacles, just jump!



Mr.Az, 2 AM Dinner, and Lack of Sleeping

Yesterday was absolutely rawwkss!

Yes, I went to Jakarta International Java Jazz 2009 and watched Mr.Az. yuhuuuu :D
He played it cool really and the crowds were incredibly crazyeaah.

So, after went through a so-so Friday school day, I and Dina headed for JCC.
We did the touch up at Dina's Car and arrived at about 4 pm.
There was such a long queue and the traffic was stuck.

Mr Az was so hoooot! After all, he was awesome and talented and so fun-looooving.
Really, I don't have any regret about attending the concert cause it's worth it.

At the special show, Dina and I were separated by the crowds so I decided to step behind. Theeen, I bumped into Emir and Afif. I spent the concert with them and waited Dina outside the exhibiton hall, but it was really hard to meet a friend of mine in that kinda place :(

While I was waiting Emir for buying something in Merchandise store, I met Dwiiii hahaha

She went there alone. Thank God!
After seeing more friends, we watched many spectacular shows. I slept over with Santhy in her house. But before that, at 2 PM we had a dinner in a place near her house..................... grawr. I was so starving that I couldn't sleep at all on the way her home.

All of that was superb.
Well, I'm looking forward to the next year JIJJF!

Lack of sleeping, though. I only slept for 3 hours that day.


Yellow Cheetah

Okay I got this from Iriph's blog, and found out that I'm a....

You are Yellow Cheetah, whose appearance is lean and slender.
You are also a woman of masculine firmness, and you don't like to loose.
You have strong will power, and live life actively.
You are good at making fast decisions, and unlike your graceful appearance, you go at your work hammer and tongs.
Even in a meeting where conclusion is far from reach, your affirmative articulation can liven up the atmosphere.
Your weakness is that you tend to lack womanly obscurity, and tend not be able to leave suggestive room for things.
Therefore, you may not be a terribly good housewife.
Nevertheless, you are an idealistic woman, so you will put in great effort to make your dreams come true.
You are unable to see things from different sides.
You tend to say things that come up in your mind straight forwardly.
This may make other people sometimes think you are impudent.
This is due to your rather short-tempered and proud personality.
You are able to overcome difficulties with great energy and will not have negative thoughts.
This type of person is born under good fortune.
People around you tend to compliment you more than the effort you have put in.
Once married, you will try to take good care of your husband.
You wish to take in charge of everything at home, and may put your nose in other people's business.

Aaaamin :)

Just try here and tell me!

Oreo Cookies

I'm not a creep,
Yes, I'm not a wolf which is waiting for the full moon

I am in my own,
I am a very very very lively vanilla ice cream

And you're the oreo cookies crunch,
blended in.

Totally irresistible and completing, dear...........


Late Birthday Post


This kinda a guilty pleasure. I apologize to you guys for doing this, but..... well, I really want to make a birthday post. :D

February 2009 went crazyeah.
Starts from the gifts, the surprises, the pelantikan, and the last... a little party for those in my class who were born in February.

Willy, Ian, Dayen, Aya, and Santhy gave me surprise yuhu

I love you too, S

A superb UNO STACKO from Diantoro and Dayeeeeen lalala :DD

A yellow fellow from Santhy

The Hosts, these people were born in February!

me and some guests

Mysterious Benedict Society, 2nd gift from San

Size 12 is Not Fat, from Aless and Ardelle :')

Size 14 is Not Fat Either, from my Ayaaaaaaa :D

and some gifts more from my heartwarming parents...

Totally amusing.

Thanks for all friends, I love you all with my whole heart.
I'm not only getting older, but getting mature by then.
Thank God for the things, for the lessons you gave.
Best friends and family are along the waaaaaaay!

May this March become more marvelous than the fabulous Feb!

A bit of Romcom

Most of guys I've ever dated now are married. To wonderful women? Sure, I guess. No, I'm not saying this in a mellow tune, or certai...